MW | Chimera Mentorship
I participated in a Mentorship Program through MW’s non-profit branch, Chimera. The 6-week curriculum I developed taught 7th-12th graders the basics of Adobe Illustrator and the an overview of Graphic Design Principles. [ Above design credit goes to bright pupil - Lucia, for a screen printing section that didnt quite pan out how I’d hoped ]
Above is a sample of how I started each class with a presentation on a design principle. Here we were focused on the difference between icons and logos. I rarely put words on a presentation, especially if I need an audience to actively listen. The majority of this work was directly speaking to the small group on a relatable and fun way before diving into the hands-on work for the day.
One of the final works we did was a poster assignment for a business. Once the students were familiar with the basic interface of Illustrator, they each had a mock assignment as a graphic designer for a business. Their job was to take the prompts and requirements and make a striking image with their new skillset.