MW | Convergence Station | Robotic Flowers
The Robotic Flowers were the brain child of artist, Leo Brown. He designed the foundation for the robotic armature and my work was to cover the armature to make each of the 15 instances in Convergence Street’s Numina seem like an organic and infinitely blooming flower.
We did a tremendous amount of R&D before sending off the fabrication to vendors. while this seems like a simplification of a process, instead this required a large amount of coordination by our Technical Directors, Emily Markweise and Conor Peterson, as well as very legible instructions provided by myself to our fabric assembler.
An intensive amount of work was also completed on-site for final fabrication and installation.
A big thank you to Tammie, Dulce, Juan, Alex, Guillermo, Julia, Greg, Andrew, Ezrah, Alexandra, and Caity for that big push.