MW | Real Unreal | Hex Sign

MW | Real Unreal | Hex Sign

Here’s a pretty simple one with a cool backstory.

This was made for Chris Hilson’s Baba Yaga Hut in MW’s The Real Unreal

For anyone who is uninitiated, Baba Yaga is a way metal folktale that inspired Cinderella

Hilson introduced us to the color magic used in barn signs made by the Pennsylvania Dutch.

Specific colors symbolized specific things, and the choice of color summoned magic of prosperity, joy, protection, etc.

I thought that was a cool as hell way to be intentional with color choice. Not just from a design logic, but a magical logic that is very inspirational

Here’s a photo that proves that I’m not perfect. This was a nice gradient practice. Thank you Greg Ballenger for the tutuorial :)

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